Wednesday, June 12, 2019

(consumer behavior) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

(consumer behavior) - Essay ExampleQuestionnaires with appropriate scales were used to randomly percolate data from people in different areas in an undisclosed city in the UK. After testing for validity and reliability, the collected data were quantitatively analysed exploitation the structural equation modelling together with invariant tests with age and gender as moderators those aged between 17 and 40 were considered as young bit those above 40 were taken to be old (Aroean 72). It was found out that advance(a)ness could be a predictor of playful consumption and smear consumption though the latter does not predict playful consumption.This is an important article in understanding the role that consumers and behavioural perspectives play with regard to playful consumption. Organisations would find this search important in satisfying innovative, playful consumers thus the need for playful product brands (Aroean 70). As such, brand managers could retrieve relevant information to boost brand loyalty and share. Interestingly, the research reveals that switching brands does not pass as a predictor of playful consumption which means that marketers should not be concerned with their innovative customers who find varied play brands. But even so, these consumers would need to be constantly supplied with new playful rewards in form of new products so as to avoid adaptation. Nonetheless, the use of random sampling makes this study less desirable to marketers seeking to penetrate specific target markets with specific products.Eckhardt, G. M. and Houston, M. J. On the Malleable character of Product Meaning in China.Journal of Consumer Behaviour 7.6 (2008) 484 495. Wiley Online Library. Web. 29October 2012 It is known that customers attach various meanings to products guided by context. But little research has been through with(p) to determine the source of this variation. Just like the other consumers, Chinese consumers hold multiple meanings

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