Thursday, February 20, 2020

Social impact scholarship (MBA Scholarship) Essay

Social impact scholarship (MBA Scholarship) - Essay Example Such collaborations would entail addressing subjects like the flexibility of natural calamities and assessing the accomplishment of solar incentive initiatives. I would also tackle E-waste, deforestation, and global warming by fostering collaboration amongst interested youths on the internet. I would launch a worldwide initiative on the internet to motivate educators and students to partake in solving ecological problems. The initiative would work towards applying new technology towards dealing with critical ecological challenges like E-waste and deforestation. At the same time, the program would aid students in building skills in teamwork, critical thinking, and social accountability. Every phase of the online program would feature researchers with significant contributions in the form of peer-reviewed data. When educators begin a phase, they would link with teachers and students from other parts of the world. This way, teachers and students would form activities that enable them to partake in the fight against E-waste, deforestation, and global warming. My Hult MBA would help me further develop my social impact skills by growing my social impact opportunities. My Hult MBA would serve as a creative cross-industry collaborator that discloses new paths for change in my career. These paths in turn act as working insights of other industries, which would be revelations for me. Today, business paradigms are ever changing and the emerging of B-companies, modern startups, and cross-industry partnerships is adequate proof. With a Hult MBA, my career options for modern incorporation of business skills flourish permanently after graduation. A Hult MBA would integrate ecological issues that offer students like me an opportunity to develop social impact skills. My social impact skills would further develop through the improvement of my influence-making skills. Nonprofit organizations look for leadership, creative thinking,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Assignment Number Two Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Number Two Research Proposal - Assignment Example This has not only psychological and social but also economic dimensions as these issues also refer to an economic burden on an often already-strained health care system. In order to answer these issues that involve many psychological questions the suggestion is to answer these, i.e. the value of community support groups, by organising these around core questions into the perception of the care received by the elderly (â€Å"therapeutic efficacy†), their satisfaction with care given by health care personnel, feelings of being respected as real human beings, the role of family, friends and the community in fulfilling one’s needs for respect and improve one’s wellbeing, and to describe possible grievances regarding the encounter with the medical profession. Answers to these questions are assumed to shed light on the emotional wellbeing of older adults and their use of drugs, hospitals and home visits by nurses. To begin with, the aim is to give brief background info rmation on age in general and contextualize the research questions and their relevance in the literature and best practices regarding geriatric nursing. Reviewing the relevant literature we emphasize that age and needs as well as satisfaction with treatment is socially constructed and perceived in many different ways according to the values and assumptions that people (residents and their families, friends, networks) have about the nature of age, functioning and goals. Next, the research-team will be introduced, and a setting, a population-sample (purposive, cross-sectional and inclusive) and study design (longitudinal) are defined. Ethical considerations surrounding this research will also be noted (required consent and approval by research ethics committee). This also connects to the qualitative approach of this proposal and its choice of methodology, in particular semi-structured interviewing. Subsequently, the data to answer the questions are collected for later analysis and dis cussion in terms of themes surrounding perceptions and behaviour. The data analysis phase will again refer to relevant literature that may back or shed further light on the results. The findings will also be presented in tables and diagrams and limitations of the results will be noted. The eventual conclusion will summarize the findings and make recommendations that are both relevant to practice and policy (Rees, 2003). Background First, a little background regarding age, set in the context of the â€Å"developmental cycle† of families (Goody 1958). Goody has suggested that the family goes through various stages or phases of development, a so-called â€Å"developmental cycle†, where families are young and grow (with the addition of children) and â€Å"contract† and grow old as the offspring grows up, moves out and leaves the original family which now only consists of the parents or a single parent when the partner dies in old age. Literature Review Having descri bed the contents of the proposal, a focused analysis of relevant literary sources and notions in order to answer the research question is now given. The review reflects â€Å"